I confess to both of these things really only to make a point. My point being that, often as moms, we place ourselves very last on the priority list and by doing so we take away our ability to really be a blessing to our husband and kids.
A few years back God brought an amazing friend into my life. Pam was a true gift to me at a time when I really needed wisdom and perspective on what being a Godly wife and mother looked like. I can remember back to some conversations that she and I had when I was knee deep in the middle of potty training a toddler and she was a brand new mom. She spoke about how even on our hardest of hard days, serving our husbands and kids is an honor and a calling. It is by far the hardest calling there will ever be but to sacrifice for them is a gift.
My perspective on being a wife and a mother has completely evolved from back when I was a new mom who was struggling to find my role and my purpose in it all. The truth is, I absolutely love to serve my family. I find so much fulfillment in putting dinner on the table for my husband and in making our home a safe haven for our kids. I love giving baths and reading bed time stories. I love to rock my babies when they are sick and the feeling of knowing that I can provide a comfort that no one else can. I love being my husband's safe place at the end of a long day at work. I love being a servant to them and I find it a true honor.
But here's the thing-- if there's one thing I've learned since becoming a mom, it is that my kids get the very best version of mom, when I am intentional about taking care of myself as well. I think this is an aspect of motherhood that so many moms have missed the beat on. I write all this because I find that it is just one more place that mommas need encouragement.
So hear me now--
You are worth it.
You are worth letting your baby cry for 10 minutes while you take the shower you haven't had in 2 days. Your baby will not harbor feelings of neglect or bitterness towards you.
You are worth asking your kids to wait so that you can make breakfast for yourself and actually fuel the energy you need to take care of them for the day.
You are worth putting on a nice outfit so that you aren't slumming in your sweats all day just to feel like "another housewife".
You are worth it. Your husband would agree. And so would Jesus. And someday, when your kids are grown, I promise, they will thank you. Because prioritizing yourself doesn't make you a bad mom. Prioritizing yourself will teach your daughter how to value herself. If anything, it will teach her to respect you because she'll see that you respect you. Prioritizing yourself will teach your son how to someday value the girl he falls in love with.
Earlier this week I received a text from an old friend. She told me she's been struggling with postpartum depression and that she's stuck at home with the kids all day with very little help. I wish I could say this is the first text I've ever gotten like this, but it's not. I talk to momma friends all the time who share the same struggle and I seem to keep coming back to a common theme. The kids and the husband are being put first.
And while I'll agree, they should come first--that doesn't mean that we as mommas have to come last.
I would argue that if we start to value ourselves a little more, our husbands and kids will reap the blessings and the benefit of servanthood. They will feel more loved, more cared for, more protected in the long run.
So tomorrow is Monday. Wake up a little earlier. Make yourself some breakfast. Take a shower. Go for a run. Pray. Read a book. Read the paper. Journal. Blog. Paint your nails. Shave your legs (just not with Aveeno baby lotion and a pink towel). Do what makes you feel most like you. Prepare your heart for the week. Because just like last week, it's going to be a long one.
I promise, your kids and your husband will thank you because you'll be happier and in a better place to serve. And, I think you will thank yourself too.